Pistachio and lime panna cotta, candied pineapple with lemongrass
- 50cl de crème liquide entière
- 130g de sucre en poudre
- 1/2 ananas
- 2 citrons verts
- 30g de pistaches émondées Daco Bello
- 30g de pâte de pistache
- 3 feuilles de gélatine de 2g
- 1 bâton de citronnelle
- 20cl d'eau
For the panna cotta:
Soften the gelatin leaves in cold water.
Wash and zest the lime.
Bring half of the liquid cream to the boil with 50g of sugar, the lemon zest (recover the lime juice and keep it for preparing the pineapple) and the pistachio paste.
Dissolve the previously drained gelatin in the mixture.
Then add the rest of the cold cream, then pour the mixture into silicone molds or suitable glasses.
Leave to cool for at least 1 hour.
For the pineapple:
Using a large knife or a serrated knife, peel the pineapple close to the black spots.
If necessary, remove the last “eyes” using the tip of the knife.
Then cut the pineapple into 0.5 cm slices, then into sticks of the same width, and finally into small regular cubes.
Finely slice the lemongrass sticks.
In a saucepan, put the rest of the sugar, water and lemongrass, then cook everything until you obtain a syrupy consistency.
Filter the preparation, add the lime juice then pour everything over the pineapple.
Crush the pistachios then cover the panna cotta with them.
If it is in a silicone mold, circle the pineapple into the shape of the panna cotta.
Place this on the diced fruit, finishing with a little lemongrass syrup.