Applicable from April 12, 2022


The “DACO France” Site, available at the URL address is published by DACO France SAS, a simplified joint stock company, with capital of €167,750 euros whose head office is located is Antony, 8 rue Luigi Galvani (92160), registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 300 482 916 (hereinafter “DACO France”).

The conditions of use of the Site (hereinafter “CGU”) govern the relationship between DACO France and any natural person visiting the Site (hereinafter “User”).

As such, any User of the Site is presumed to have read the T&Cs and expressly declares to accept, without any reservation, these T&Cs when using the Site.

The applicable T&Cs are those in force on the day the User browses the Site and/or the User places an order on the Site.

The publisher's contact details are:
telephone: 01 34 57 25 00

The publication director is Mr. Michel ABITBOL of DACO France.

The Site is hosted by Shopify, whose head office is located at 126 York St. Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5 in CANADA. This company provides us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you.


The Site and all intellectual property rights attached to it are, unless otherwise provided, the exclusive property of DACO France.

Any reproduction, representation or distribution of all or part of the Site, by any means whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, without the prior, written and express authorization of DACO France is formally prohibited and subject to legal proceedings, solely exceptions referred to in Article L. 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code and in particular a right of personal, private, individual and non-transferable use of all or part of the Site.

Any unauthorized link must be immediately deleted upon simple request from DACO France.


The requirement to provide the User's personal data is of a contractual nature and conditions the conclusion of the sales contract. This information is used only within the framework of your contractual relationship with DACO France and is limited to the data strictly necessary for your order.

The User guarantees the accuracy of the data he provides on the Site.

The data controller is Daco France represented by Mr. Michel ABITBOL (

DACO France undertakes to collect and use the personal data of Users of the Site in strict compliance with French and European regulations on the protection of personal data, and in particular law n°78-17 Informatique et Libertés of January 6 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation n°2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (known as “GDPR”).

DACO France collects the personal data of any User who places an order on the Site, for the following purposes:

order confirmation ;
payment of the price;
delivery of products/provision of services.

The data collected in this context are only those necessary for processing the order and may be communicated in whole or in part to the contractual partners of DACO France and other recipients of the data involved strictly in the execution of the order.

As such, the User's banking information is processed by the Pay Plug service. DACO France will collect and process the User's personal data for the purposes of executing the order.

Mandatory information entry areas are indicated on the site by a * or an equivalent mark.

DACO France may ask the User for additional non-obligatory information for commercial purposes. The User is free to accept or refuse to respond to such requests for additional information.

DACO France may also collect data provided by the User for:

create a customer account (without placing an order),
contact DACO France customer service,
register on an advertising information list.

In these cases, DACO France requires the User's prior consent to the processing of their personal data which is not necessary for the execution of the sales contract.

Finally, DACO France collects the User's information through the use of cookies under the conditions of article 3 below.

DACO France will only communicate personal data to third parties if the User has given prior consent, or if DACO France is required to do so, by law or as part of legal proceedings.

The data will be kept for a period which does not exceed the duration necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed, i.e. three (3) years.


In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 and the GDPR, the User has the right to information, access, rectification and erasure of personal data concerning him or her, and the right to object. and a right to limitation of processing where applicable, as well as a right to portability of their data, which they can exercise at any time by writing:

by email to the following address:
or by mail, to the following address: DACO France, ZI Luigi Galvani – 92160 ANTONY

When the processing is based on the consent of the User, the latter may at any time request the withdrawal of their consent, according to the terms provided above, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent carried out before the removal of it.

In the event of difficulties, the User has the right to lodge any complaint with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (“CNIL”).


DACO France uses cookies under the following conditions:

cookies strictly necessary for browsing the site,
cookies allowing the memorization of elements which open on the site in the form of windows (or other) and which you have already viewed during a previous visit,
cookies allowing the presentation of the site to be adapted to the display preferences of the terminal,
cookies enabling attendance statistics to be established,
cookies allowing us to evaluate the general use of the website by Internet users.

The User can at any time deactivate cookies or configure their browser to report cookies placed on their computer and to accept them or not.

However, please note that the settings may modify the User's access conditions to DACO France services requiring the use of cookies.


DACO France cannot be held responsible for access difficulties or temporary impossibility of access to the Site linked to disruptions in the telecommunications network, or other technical difficulties.

However, DACO France undertakes, as far as possible, to inform the User of any modification or interruption of the services available on the Site.

Downloading of all materials is at the User's own risk. The User remains solely responsible for any damage resulting from this download.

The Site may contain links to other websites not operated by DACO France (including Facebook and Instagram).

DACO France cannot be held responsible for (i) the provision of these links and (ii) the content of websites offering hyperlinks to the Site or external websites to which a hyperlink is offered on the Site.

The User is expressly informed that the photographs and illustrations on the Site are only indicative and cannot, in any way, contractually bind DACO France.


Orders for Products on the Site and these T&Cs are subject to French law.

In the absence of agreement, any dispute relating to the application of these T&Cs will be submitted to the competent French courts.