Sweet pistachio-apricot quiche without dough
- 8 abricots secs Daco Bello
- 80g de miel
- 150g de fromage blanc
- 3 œufs
- 80g de sucre en poudre
- 90g de farine de blé
- 30cl de lait entier
- 100g de poudre de pistaches
Preheat the oven to 190°C (th. 6-7).
Wash the apricots and cut them in 2, pit them.
In a pan, heat 20g of honey and lightly caramelize the apricots on each side.
Remove from heat and reserve.
Beat the eggs with the fromage blanc, the sugar and the rest of the honey.
Gradually add the flour, then the milk. Finish with the pistachio powder.
Pour the mixture into a silicone mold or into a previously buttered mold.
Then distribute the apricots in the dough, pressing them lightly.
Bake at 190°C for around 30 min.
Let cool before eating.