Seed tapenade
10 mn
Pas de cuisson
2 people
For this recipe you need :
- 200g d’olives noires dénoyautées
- 2 cuillères à soupe de Graines de Tournesol Daco Bello
- 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive
- 1 cuillère à café de thym séché
- 1 cuillère à café de câpres
- 1 gousse d’ail
- 1/2 cuillères à café de sel
What would summer be without tapenade? We offer you a recipe for vegetarian tapenade made with black olives and our delicious sunflower seeds.
Place all the ingredients (except olive oil) in a blender bowl and mix roughly.
Add the olive oil and mix until you get the texture you want (the more you mix, the creamier the tapenade will be).
Enjoy your food !