Foie gras terrine stuffed with figs
- 1 lobe de foie gras de canard
- 100g de figues séchées Daco Bello
- 20cl de lait 1/2 écrémé
- 20cl d'eau
- 15cl de Porto rouge
- Sel fin
- Poivre
- Mélange 5 épices
The day before, soak the liver in a mixture of milk and water.
Preheat the oven to 160°C (th. 5).
Prepare the foie gras seasoning by mixing the salt, freshly ground pepper and 5 spices.
Remove the foie gras from the refrigerator 1 hour before working with it.
Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, then immerse the figs in the simmering water for about 10 minutes to hydrate the fruit.
Drain them and let them cool.
Then sprinkle them with 10cl of port, then leave them to marinate in the refrigerator until the next day.
Separate the 2 lobes.
For the large lobe:
Open it in two with your fingers lengthwise, while separating the foie gras at the edges.
Remove the main Y-shaped vein starting from the base of the liver, and finish with the 2nd vein which is located under the first.
For the underlobe:
The 2 veins are also one above the other, but in an X shape.
Proceed in the same way as for the first lobe.
Season the liver lobes with 16g of seasoning per kilo, or approximately 8g per lobe.
Allow the seasoning to dissolve on the liver using the remaining port.
Then leave to marinate for a longer or shorter time depending on the desired strength.
Pack the lobes into the terrine, incorporating pieces of figs (cut them in two if necessary), then cook them in a bain-marie (48°C in the middle) in an oven at 160°C for around 20 minutes.
Check the cooking with the tip of a knife which should be warm to the touch.
Then let cool to room temperature, remove the fat and leave to cool completely in the refrigerator, placing a press on the liver.
Ideally store for 5 days to mature before consuming.