Our local commitment
At Daco France, we try to support local events and infrastructures as much as possible, small or large, especially after this pandemic period.

For 3 consecutive years, we have been partners of the Odyssea races. The fight against breast cancer is a cause that is close to our hearts and that is why we support these pink races which take place each year in several cities in France. For the occasion, we distribute samples of our delicious dried fruits at each race to give runners a boost during the effort!

Seasonal employees
Every year, we offer festive dried fruit baskets for the end-of-year celebrations. An activity that requires a lot of investment and this is why each year we employ nearly 200 seasonal workers to help us carry out this colossal work.

Club Antony Metro 92
For already 2 years, we have been partners of the Antony rugby club which is located a stone's throw from our head office. In addition to our commitment from a nutritional point of view, we believe that sport is essential for everyone's well-being and we are happy to support this local and family club where the youngest and the most experienced come together.