Goat cheese, mint and pine nuts cake
- 2 œufs
- 125g de fromage de chèvre cendré
- 120g de farine de blé
- 30g de pignons de pin Daco Bello
- 20g de beurre doux
- 1/2 botte de menthe fraîche
- 5g de levure chimique
- 5cl de lait 1/2 écrémé
- Huile d'olive
- Sel fin
- Poivre
Preheat the oven to 180°C (th.6).
Finely chop the fresh mint and set aside.
In a frying pan, brown the pine nuts until desired coloring.
Cut the cheese into small cubes.
Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl.
Add the sifted flour and yeast and mix thoroughly with a whisk.
Then vigorously incorporate the milk and olive oil.
Add the goat cheese and mix with a spatula.
Salt and pepper.
Finish with chopped mint and colored pine nuts.
Butter the cake mold using a brush or line it with baking paper.
Pour the cake batter, then bake at 180°C for 50 min.
Remove from the oven, let the cake cool for 5 to 10 minutes before unmolding it.
Slice and enjoy.