Croquets of Provence
- 1 œuf
- 1 jaune d'œuf
- 125g de farine de blé
- 85g de sucre en poudre
- 25g d'amandes décortiquées Daco Bello
- 30g de pistaches émondées Daco Bello
- 30g de noisettes décortiquées Daco Bello
- 1cl d'eau de fleur d'oranger
- Sel fin
Preheat the oven to 200°C (th. 6-7).
Beat the egg with the orange blossom water.
In a bowl, mix the flour, salt and sugar, add the egg then the dried fruits.
If the dough doesn't come together well, add a little water to make it smooth.
Roll the dough into large sausages approximately 15 cm long.
Place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and brown them with the egg yolk.
Place in the oven, then immediately lower the oven temperature to 180°C (th. 6) and cook for 30 min.
When the dough is cooked, let it cool, then cut it into slices approximately 1 cm thick.
Then let cool on a rack.