Contised pork medallion with dried fruits, leek fondue
- 2 filets mignons de porc
- 30 abricots secs Daco Bello
- 30g de raisins blond Daco Bello
- 30g de noisettes décortiquées Daco Bello
- 6 poireaux
- 60g de beurre doux
- 20cl de crème liquide entière
- 15cl de vin blanc sec
- 5cl d'huile d'arachide
- Sel fin
- Poivre
Cut the leeks in half lengthwise and wash them in cold water.
Remove the green part and finely slice the rest.
Heat 30g of butter in a pan without coloring it, then add the leeks and a pinch of salt, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
At the end of cooking, add 15cl of cream and ground pepper.
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Cut the pork tenderloins into 12 medallions.
Finely dice the dried apricots , raisins and hazelnuts , then mix them.
Cut the pork medallions in the center, making a pocket, then stuff it with the dried fruit mixture.
Salt and pepper.
Heat cooking oil in a pan and sear both sides of the medallions.
Then remove them from the pan and place them on a baking sheet, then finish cooking in the oven at 180°C for 6 to 8 minutes.
Deglaze the pan with the white wine, add 30g of butter then 5cl of cream and let reduce.
Adjust seasoning.
Serve this sauce with the medallions and leeks.