  • 3 jaunes d'œufs
  • 60g de sucre en poudre
  • 20cl de lait 1/2 écrémé
  • 5cl de liqueur de verveine
  • 1 gousse de vanille
  • 20cl de crème liquide entière
  • 2 feuilles de gélatine de 2g
  • 50g de pistaches émondées Daco Bello
  • 100g de farine de blé
  • 80g de beurre doux
  • 60g de sucre en poudre
  • 2 jaunes d'œufs

For the frozen parfait :

Boil the milk with the verbena and the vanilla pod previously split in two and scraped.

In a bowl, whiten the egg yolks with the sugar.

Then pour the boiling milk over the yolk/sugar mixture, then put everything back in the saucepan and cook until thickened (the cooking technique is the same as for custard).

Place the gelatin leaves in cold water, then dissolve them in the still hot cream.

Then let cool in the original bowl. Whip the whole liquid cream into whipped cream, then incorporate it into the cold verbena custard.

Add the crushed pistachios , then pour the mixture into silicone molds of your choice.

Then place the molds in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.

For the shortbread:

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

In a bowl, mix the flour, soft butter, sugar and egg yolks by hand.

Then spread this dough between 2 sheets of silicone (or baking paper) using a rolling pin, then bake it at 180°C for 15 minutes.

Once removed, cut circles out of the still hot dough with a cookie cutter, then leave to cool. On a plate, arrange a circle of shortbread, then place a verbena and pistachio ice parfait.