  • 100g de tomates séchées
  • 3g d'olives noires séchées
  • 20g de pignons de pin Daco Bello
  • 2g de ciboulette séchée
  • 2g de basilic séché
  • 5g de fleur de sel
  • 12,5cl de lait entier
  • 3 œufs
  • 150g de farine de blé
  • 10g de levure chimique
  • 10cl d'huile d'olive
  • 20g de farine de blé
  • 20g de beurre doux

The recipe for your gourmet gift.

Harmoniously arrange the dried herbs (dried tomatoes, black olives, pine nuts , chives, basil and fleur de sel) in a container of sufficient capacity (jam jar, airtight box, etc.), then present this wrapped gift, accompanied by the following recipe.

Making the little savory cakes:

Preheat the oven to 180°C (th. 6).

In a salad bowl, place the flour and yeast. Mix and form a well, then add the beaten eggs, mixing with a whisk. Then add the milk and olive oil. Add the contents of your gourmet gift mixture and mix.

Butter and flour the individual cake molds, then fill them 3/4 full. Then bake them at 180°C (th. 6) for 20 min.
Remove from the oven, prick the cakes in the center with the tip of a knife: if it comes out dry, the cakes are cooked. Then cool them on a rack.

Enjoy these little cakes warm or cold.