Pesto roll, mozzarella, smoked duck breast and pine nuts
- 18 tranches de magret de canard fumé
- 1 mozzarella
- 6 tranches de pain de mie
- 50g de pignons de pin Daco Bello
- 30g de parmesan Parmigiano Reggiano
- 12 feuilles de basilic
- 2 gousses d'ail
- 20cl d'huile d'olive
- Gros sel
In a frying pan without fat, add the pine nuts and sauté them for 3 minutes to brown them slightly.
Then put them on a plate and set aside.
Wash the basil leaves and dry them with absorbent paper, then put them in a mortar with the peeled garlic cut in 2 and degermed.
Crush everything with a pinch of coarse salt to make the task easier.
Then add 1/3 of the pine nuts and the parmesan cut into pieces, then continue to crush and incorporate the olive oil to obtain a paste.
Remove the crust from the bread slices and roll them out with a rolling pin, as if making dough, until you obtain slices 3 mm thick.
With a tablespoon, spread a very thin layer of pesto, put the slices of smoked duck breast on top, then add a little pesto.
Cut 6 mozzarella sticks and place them on the bread base, then roll the whole thing delicately.
Then cut the rolls into 6.
Crush the rest of the pine nuts , brush each roll with pesto and roll them in the pine nuts, then serve.