Chocolate hazelnut tartlets
Recette créée et réalisée par Elodie : attractionsgourmandes.com, également sur Instagram : @attractionsgourmandes
Pour 6 tartelettes de 10cm de diamètre :
Ganache montée aux noisettes :
- 6g de gélatine
- 50g de praliné noisettes
- 50g de chocolat blanc
- 150g de crème liquide
Pâte sucrée noisettes :
- 60g de noisettes Daco Bello
- 120g de beurre
- 100g de sucre
- 1 oeuf
- 250g de farine
- sel
Crème de noisettes :
- 50g de beurre
- 50g de poudre de noisettes Daco Bello
- 50g de sucre
- 1 oeuf
Ganache au chocolat :
- 100g de chocolat
- 100g de crème liquide
Décoration :
- noisettes torréfiées Daco Bello
Ganache whipped with hazelnuts:
Put 6g of gelatin to rehydrate in a container of water.
Melt 50g of hazelnut praline (homemade is even better), with 50g of white chocolate.
Boil 100g of liquid cream. When the cream is boiling, pour it over the praline/chocolate mixture and mix.
Then add 50g of cold liquid cream. Cover and put in the fridge overnight.
Sweet hazelnut paste:
Mix 60g of hazelnuts to obtain a powder.
In the mixer bowl, put 120g of very soft butter, add 100g of sugar. Add the hazelnut powder and mix.
Add 1 egg, mix.
Then add 250g of flour, 1 pinch of salt and mix.
Darken your pastry circles. And place in the fridge while you prepare the hazelnut cream.
Hazelnut cream:
In a salad bowl, mix 50g of melted butter, 50g of hazelnut powder, 50g of sugar, 1 egg.
Pour this preparation into your tartlets and bake at 170 degrees for 35 minutes.
Quick chocolate ganache:
Melt 100g of chocolate.
Boil 100g of liquid cream in a saucepan. Once the cream is boiling, mix with the chocolate.
Mix until you obtain a smooth and shiny ganache.
Once the tartlets are cooked, pour the chocolate ganache over them. Leave to crystallize in the fridge.
Or, put the ganache in silicone molds and leave for 6 hours in the freezer. Remove from the freezer, unmold and glaze with rock or mirror icing or a cocoa velvet flocking spray (your choice).
With the mixer, whisk the hazelnut ganache. Place in a bag fitted with a fluted nozzle.
Assemble your tartlets nicely. Test different poaching, fluted nozzles, Saint Honoré nozzles…
Add roasted hazelnuts and that’s it! All that remains is for you to enjoy.