Razorbills, chestnuts, almonds and white carrots
- 24 couteaux (coquillages)
- 6 carottes
- 2 céleris branche
- 100g de châtaignes cuites
- 2 oignons nouveaux
- 1/4 de botte de ciboulette
- 100g d'amandes effilées Daco Bello
- 6cl d'huile d'olive
- 6 pincées de fleur de sel
- 6 tours de moulin à poivre
- 40g de beurre doux
- 10cl de vin blanc sec
For the shells:
Wash the knives properly (if there is a deposit of sand at the bottom of the container, add a large spoonful of coarse salt to the washing water).
Throw the shellfish into a large, very hot pan, then pour in the white wine and cover.
Leave to cook for 3 minutes, then set aside (the shellfish will separate from the shells).
Remove the shells and cut the shellfish into 2 cm pieces.
Keep the most beautiful shells for dressing.
For garnish :
Cut the chestnuts into small cubes.
Cut the chives into 2 cm pieces.
Collect the small celery leaves.
Peel the carrots and cut them in half, then into wedges.
Toast the almonds in a little oil and salt them.
Peel the onion and finely slice it, then grill the slices obtained in the same pan as the almonds.
Cook the carrots in a pan with the butter for 10 minutes (they should brown slightly and remain crunchy).
Add the chestnuts and continue cooking for 2 minutes.
For mounting :
At the last minute, add the razor clams to the pan with the carrots to cool them.
Place the shells on plates and garnish with the razor clams and carrots mixture.
Then sprinkle everything with onions, almonds, chives and celery leaves.
Season with fleur de sel and pepper.