Poultry stuffed with dried fruits, sweet potato puree and curry vinaigrette
- 6 suprêmes de poulet
- 80g de foie gras de canard cru
- 5 patates douces rouges
- 30g de pignons de pin Daco Bello
- 30g d'abricots secs Daco Bello
- 30g de châtaignes cuites
- 80g de beurre doux
- 20g de miel
- 5cl d'huile d'olive
- 3cl de vinaigre balsamique blanc
- 3 branches de cerfeuil
- 3g de curry
- 3g curcuma en poudre
- Sel fin
- Gros sel
- Poivre
Cut the foie gras into small cubes. Cut the dried apricots and chestnuts into small cubes.
Combine everything in a bowl with the pine nuts , season with coarse salt and pepper.
Remove the skin from the supremes, cut them in two lengthwise and flatten them slightly, then salt and pepper them. Then place the diced foie gras on the chicken fillets, then roll them in cling film to obtain sausages.
In a pot of boiling water, immerse the sausages and place a plate on top to immerse them well. Bring to a boil again, then cover the pan. Turn off the heat and poach the sausages for 15 min. Take them out of the water and reserve them.
For the rest of the recipe:
Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into pieces. Cook them in a large volume of cold salted water (10g of coarse salt/litre) for 15 minutes from boiling. Then drain them and mash the pulp using a potato masher or a whisk, then incorporate the butter with a spatula and set aside.
For the vinaigrette:
Combine the vinaigrette ingredients in a bowl: honey, white balsamic vinegar, spices, salt and pepper. Mix well, then add the olive oil.
Remove the poultry rolls from their plastic wrap and cut them into large slices.
Wash the chervil.
Arrange the sweet potato puree in stainless steel circles and arrange the slices of poultry around them, then decorate with chervil and a cord of vinaigrette.