  • 2 tasses de lait d’amandes
  • 50g d'amandes poudre Daco Bello
  • 10g de sucre
  • 2 cuillères à soupe de tapioca
  • Quelques gouttes d’extrait de vanille
  • 2 poignées de fraises fraîches ou 2 tasses de fraises surgelées
  • 4 amandes effilées Daco Bello pour la décoration
  • 5 glaçons

Combine 1 cup of almond milk, a tablespoon of ground almonds and the tapioca in a small saucepan.

Leave to soak for 5 minutes, then turn the heat to high and bring to a boil. Let cool slightly, and add the vanilla extract while stirring.

Let this mixture cool completely then add the rest of the almond milk and ingredients to the blender. Blend until smooth.

Add the mixture to the cooled tapioca and blend until smooth.

Pour into 2 glasses and garnish withflaked or chopped almonds and a few mint leaves.

Pour a few red currants over the tapioca.
