Sablés Cœur aux Cranberries
Sablés Cœur aux Cranberries
Ces délicieux sablés en forme de cœur sont parfaits pour allier gourmandise et soutien en ce mois d'Octobre Rose. Faciles à préparer et avec une touche acidulée grâce aux cranberries, ils feront fondre le cœur de vos proches ! Ingrédients : 200 g de farine 100 g de beurre doux (à température ambiante) 80 g de sucre glace 1 œuf 1 cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille 1 pincée de sel 50 g de cranberries séchées, finement hachées 1 cuillère à soupe de jus de citron (facultatif) 1 cuillère à soupe de lait (pour dorer les sablés) 1.Préparation de la pâte : Dans un grand bol, mélangez le beurre ramolli avec le sucre glace jusqu’à obtenir une texture crémeuse et homogène. Ajoutez l'œuf, l'extrait de vanille, et une pincée de sel. Mélangez bien. Incorporez progressivement la farine et continuez à mélanger jusqu’à ce que la pâte se détache des parois et forme une boule. Ajoutez les cranberries finement hachées et, si vous le souhaitez, le jus de citron pour un goût plus acidulé. Enveloppez la pâte dans un film alimentaire et laissez la reposer au réfrigérateur pendant 30 minutes. 2.Façonnage des sablés : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C (thermostat 6). Sur un plan de travail légèrement fariné, étalez la pâte sur une épaisseur d’environ 5 mm. Utilisez un emporte-pièce en forme de cœur pour découper les sablés. Avec un emporte-pièce plus petit (ou la pointe d'un couteau), découpez de petits cœurs à l’intérieur de la moitié des sablés. Déposez les sablés sur une plaque recouverte de papier cuisson. Si désiré, badigeonnez légèrement de lait pour un aspect doré. 3.Assemblage et cuisson : Sur les sablés pleins, étalez une fine couche de confiture de cranberries ou déposez quelques morceaux de cranberries hachées. Placez les sablés découpés avec les petits cœurs par-dessus les sablés pleins pour former des "sandwichs". Enfournez pendant 12 à 15 minutes jusqu'à ce que les sablés soient légèrement dorés sur les bords. 4.Finition : Laissez refroidir les sablés sur une grille.Saupoudrez-les éventuellement de sucre glace pour une touche finale. Astuce : Pour encore plus de saveur, vous pouvez ajouter une touche de cannelle ou de zestes d’orange dans la pâte. Ces sablés se conservent bien dans une boîte hermétique pendant plusieurs jours. Bon appétit et que ces cœurs apportent chaleur et soutien en ce mois d'Octobre Rose ! 🎀❤️
Tartelettes chocolat noisettes
Chocolate hazelnut tartlets
Ganache whipped with hazelnuts: Put 6g of gelatin to rehydrate in a container of water. Melt 50g of hazelnut praline (homemade is even better), with 50g of white chocolate. Boil 100g of liquid cream. When the cream is boiling, pour it over the praline/chocolate mixture and mix. Then add 50g of cold liquid cream. Cover and put in the fridge overnight. Sweet hazelnut paste: Mix 60g of hazelnuts to obtain a powder. In the mixer bowl, put 120g of very soft butter, add 100g of sugar. Add the hazelnut powder and mix. Add 1 egg, mix. Then add 250g of flour, 1 pinch of salt and mix. Darken your pastry circles. And place in the fridge while you prepare the hazelnut cream. Hazelnut cream: In a salad bowl, mix 50g of melted butter, 50g of hazelnut powder, 50g of sugar, 1 egg. Pour this preparation into your tartlets and bake at 170 degrees for 35 minutes. Quick chocolate ganache: Melt 100g of chocolate. Boil 100g of liquid cream in a saucepan. Once the cream is boiling, mix with the chocolate. Mix until you obtain a smooth and shiny ganache. Once the tartlets are cooked, pour the chocolate ganache over them. Leave to crystallize in the fridge. Or, put the ganache in silicone molds and leave for 6 hours in the freezer. Remove from the freezer, unmold and glaze with rock or mirror icing or a cocoa velvet flocking spray (your choice). With the mixer, whisk the hazelnut ganache. Place in a bag fitted with a fluted nozzle. Assemble your tartlets nicely. Test different poaching, fluted nozzles, Saint Honoré nozzles… Add roasted hazelnuts and that’s it! All that remains is for you to enjoy.
Recette de crumble à la rhubarbe, fraise et noix de coco | Daco Bello
Rhubarb, strawberry and coconut crumble
Peel the rhubarb and cut the stems into small sticks. Cut the strawberries in 2. In a pan, heat the honey, then add the rhubarb and coconut milk. Leave to cook for 3 to 4 minutes to obtain a compote. Preheat the oven to 200°C (th. 6-7). Make the crumble dough: Mix the butter, almond powder , grated coconut, flour and sugar with your fingertips. Place the dough on baking paper and bake for 15 minutes at 200°C, until browned. Arrange the rhubarb compote in glasses, add fresh strawberries, cover with crumble and serve.
Recette de mendiants aux fruits secs et au chocolat | Daco Bello
Dried fruit and chocolate beggars
Preheat the oven to grill position. Toast the flaked almonds for 2 minutes, stirring them occasionally. Heat the blanched pistachios , grapes and cranberries in the oven for 1 min. Melt 1/3 of the dark chocolate in a bain-marie, then pour it over the unmelted 2/3 and stir to melt everything. On parchment paper or a silicone plate, then spread the chocolate, forming small pastilles, then decorate with the dried fruits. Store the chocolate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it crystallizes and enjoy.
Recette de financier aux pépites de chocolat | Daco Bello
Chocolate chip financier
Preheat the oven to 180°C (th. 6). Using a whisk, mix the almond powder , flour, icing sugar and egg whites. Heat the butter over low heat until it turns hazelnut brown, then leave to cool for 10 minutes at room temperature. Filter it, then add it to the dough. Then let it cool, then add the chocolate chips. Pour the mixture into small rectangular molds, then bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Serve these financiers lukewarm or cold!
Recette de cake pistache chocolat | Daco Bello
Chocolate pistachio cake
Preheat the oven to 180°c. Whisk the soft butter with the sugar. Add the eggs and whisk again. Then add the flour, baking powder, pinch of salt and milk. Mix again. Separate the preparation into two equal parts. Mix the powdered pistachios and add them to one of the preparations, also add the pistachio paste. Add the cocoa to the other preparation. Mix your two preparations well to make them homogeneous. Butter and flour a cake mold, pour the 2 preparations into it, alternating the layers to create a nice marbling. Bake for 50 min. Let cool before turning out onto a baking rack!
Recette de biscuit coco et ananas rôti | Daco Bello
Coconut and roasted pineapple biscuit, passion fruit emulsion, lime flavor
For the cookies: Preheat the oven to 170°C (th. 5/6). Mix the sifted icing sugar with the almond powder and grated coconut. Whip the egg whites until stiff with an electric mixer with 50g of caster sugar and add the powders. Mix gently with a flexible spatula. Pour and spread the dough into cookie cutters. Place in the oven and cook for approximately 12 minutes. For the pineapple: Peel the pineapple using a serrated knife, remove the core, then cut the flesh into small cubes. Pour the sugar into a pan and let it caramelize. When the caramel has a nice even red color, add the diced pineapple and cook over high heat for 3 minutes. Remove and let cool. For the emulsion: Mix the fruit puree with the cream. Then place the mixture in a siphon, add the gas and reserve in the refrigerator. For the sauce: Zest and squeeze the lime. In a bowl, combine the juice, zest, honey, vanilla seeds and olive oil. On a flat plate, arrange the coconut biscuit circle and top it with diced pineapple. Pour the passion fruit emulsion over the pineapple and finish with a bead of lime sauce.
Recette de pecan pie | Daco Bello
Pecan pie
For the dough: In a container, mix the flour and 70g of butter with your fingertips. When a sandy texture is obtained, add the icing sugar and 15g of almond powder , then the egg yolk. Then work the dough until it is homogeneous, then place it on cling film and flatten it with your hand. Cover it with film and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes. Take out the dough. Lightly flour the work surface, then roll out the dough and place it in a silicone pie dish. For garnish : Preheat the oven to 200°C (th. 7). Melt the remaining butter. Beat the eggs vigorously with the sugar and gradually incorporate the remaining almond powder . Mix the butter with the eggs then pour in the maple syrup, mix and add the fleur de sel and pecans . Pour everything over the dough. Bake the tart at 200°C (th. 7) for 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160°C (th. 5) and continue cooking for around another 30 minutes.
Recette de yaourt à la grecque aux fruits rouges | Daco Bello
Greek yogurt with red fruits
Put three spoonfuls of Greek yogurt in a bowl. Add a spoonful of honey or more depending on your taste. Pour some cashews , hazelnuts , almonds and pistachios over the yogurt. Add a handful of red fruits. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and pine nuts .
Recette de pomme confite au four, streusel aux noix | Daco Bello
Baked apple confit, walnut streusel
For the crumble: Preheat the oven to 200°C (th. 6-7). Crush the walnut kernels . Mix all the ingredients with your fingertips, without working it too much, to obtain a paste, then crumble it on a baking mat. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes until golden brown. For the fruit and dressing: Peel the apples, remove the core through an apple corer. In a cast iron casserole dish, make a caramel: melt the sugar over medium heat, when it has become caramel, add the salted butter. When the butter is melted, mix and gradually pour in the cream, and finally the apples. Coat them with caramel and cook, covered, in the oven at 200°C for 15 minutes (prick them to ensure cooking). Serve apples topped with walnut streusel.
Recette de brownie aux noisettes et noix de pécan | Daco Bello
Hazelnut and Pecan Brownie
For the brownie: Preheat the oven to 170°C. Melt the butter with the chocolate in a bain-marie. Whisk the eggs with the sugar using a mixer. Once they have doubled in volume, gently incorporate the chocolate, flour, hazelnuts and pecans. For the mussels: Butter and flour rectangular molds. Pour the mixture into the molds and bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Do not overcook the brownies as their centers should remain sticky! Unmold the brownies and serve them when they have cooled. For more deliciousness, add hazelnuts and/or pecans as desired.
La buche de Noël au chocolat – Daco Bello
The chocolate Christmas log
For the mousse: Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. Mix the water and sugar in a saucepan and cook until 118°C (check the temperature using a thermoprobe). Using an electric mixer, whisk the egg yolks and 100g of eggs until very frothy. Then pour in the cooked sugar and continue to whisk to make the zabaglione rise (you should not let the zabaglione cool completely as it will incorporate better afterwards if it is still warm). Using an electric whisk, whip the cold cream. Vigorously mix part of the whipped cream with the melted chocolate with a whisk. Then add the rest of the cream, then add the zabaglione at the end. Then mix gently. For the biscuit: Preheat the oven to 170°C (th. 5-6). Beating egg whites. When the mixture doubles in volume, add the sugar and whisk (whip quickly) as much as possible to obtain a very firm meringue. In a salad bowl, sift the icing sugar and cocoa. Then add the almond and hazelnut powders and mix. Incorporate the powders into the beaten egg whites, mixing gently with a spatula. On a baking sheet, then spread the dough to a thickness of 2 cm, then bake for 10 to 15 minutes. After baking, cut the biscuit to the size of the log mold. For the vanilla cream: Bring the milk to the boil with the split vanilla pod. In a salad bowl, whiten the 2 eggs with the sugar using a whisk, then add the flour. Then pour in the milk and mix well, then return to cook over low heat for 3 minutes, while mixing. Transfer the cream to a dish and cover it with cling film. Let it cool, then put it in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, whip the cream with an electric whisk until very stiff. When the vanilla cream is completely cold, whisk it again to smooth it, then add the whipped cream. Then pour everything into a pastry bag and keep cool. For mounting : Place cling film on the walls of the log mold. Start by adding mousse, then place a strip of biscuit (be careful, the strip must be narrower otherwise it will be visible when unmolded). Add more mousse, then place 2 strips of vanilla cream on top. Cover with a strip of biscuit, then again with mousse, and finally with biscuit. Press lightly. Close tightly with cling film and place the log in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Unmold the log 15 minutes before eating it and decorate it to your liking with chocolate pastilles and decorations.
To chew


Dried fruits and seeds are a very easy way to add some oomph to your recipes. Melting or crunchy, they will enhance your recipes with original flavors. For delicious dishes and snacking moments, Daco Bello offers you a wide range of products that will satisfy all your desires.

For an aperitif, combine your dried fruits with a cheese platter. Raisins, almonds, pistachios, apricots and walnuts will enhance your tasting with a touch of originality. Coming from the best production areas in the world, each tasting guarantees you impeccable quality and an incomparable taste.

Do you know pine nuts ? Rich in iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc, they will allow you to add the best to your plates. You can sprinkle them on a salad of baby spinach for a more gourmet starter or on an apricot tart for a dessert with Mediterranean flavors. Pesto is THE recipe with pine nuts to absolutely try. Simply mix a generous handful of dried fruits with basil, parmesan and olive oil to create a fragrant and tasty sauce.

For a meal with Italian accents : enjoy this fragrant and tasty sauce, with spaghetti, or a tomato salad accompanied by mozzarella.

For dried apricots , our favorite recipe draws its inspiration from the Orient. Coming from Turkey, these concentrates of sunshine will accompany a tagine-style lamb shoulder with a fine touch of sweetness.

To add crunch to your tasting: before serving, sprinkle a few almonds on your dish.

You can also use your almonds for many desserts. By crushing them roughly, they will add crunch to a crumble preparation. Also consider using them in your smoothies to boost your drinks with an intake of: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus.

Combined with grapes or dried apricots, the delicate taste of our almonds rigorously selected in California and Spain has no equal to enhance your fromage blanc.

If you want a recipe for dried fruits with honey , try making homemade granola! Your roasted dried fruits will enhance your dairy products with an irresistible authentic taste.

Almonds, pine nuts, pecans: create your tailor-made recipe!